

If you are in the finance and accounting department and you are seeking information on Finance Jobs in Canada, we’ve got the right information for you.

Finance jobs are known to be well-paying jobs. In fact, whilst it may not be the highest paying jobs in Canada, Finance jobs are known to come with some pecks. As such, if you are good with finances and you are seeking information regarding Canada finance jobs, we’ve got information that should come in handy for you.

First, let’s start from the top. Let’s start with the basics that could help you with the subject matter.

Are Finance Jobs In Demand In Canada?

Year in, and year out, Canada seeks immigrants and workers in various fields. Finance jobs happen to be one of them.

Toronto, which is a well-known province in Canada, is known as the financial hub of Canada. Major banks and financial institutions are headquartered there. Also, there are so many insurance companies amongst other companies with finance positions situated in Toronto, Canada.

Hence, if you live or look forward to living in Toronto, there’s a better chance of being able to secure a finance job. Of course, this depends on how you market your profile, your expertise, and what kind of jobs you are looking for in the financial sector.

Bare in mind that whilst Toronto may be the financial hub of Canada, there are banks, insurance, and other financial institutions in other provinces in Canada. Hence, if you wonder if finance jobs are in demand in Canada, the answer is yes.

How To Get Finance Jobs In Canada

Finance jobs are best suited for those who enjoy managing finances, accounts, cases, and money. Basically, if you are a numbers person who likes numbers and also possesses strong analytical skills whilst paying attention to detail, you should be good.

Of course, that’s not all that is required to get finance jobs. There are still a few very key necessities to getting a Finance Job in Canada and they are:

Get An Education

For most major things in life, you certainly need an education. For both skilled and unskilled jobs, education is needed. It just depends on the level of education.

For finance jobs, you need a degree. You will need to get a bachelor’s degree. For this, you most likely need three to four years of being a full-time student in a renowned university and if doing part-time, that can span to seven years.

Of course, it isn’t just about getting a degree. You’d need to get a degree in the finance department. In this case, you’d need a degree in maybe business administration, accounting, banking, or economics. Basically, you’d need a degree in the finance sector.

Apply For an Internship

An internship is another way to learn the ropes. This, of course, should be after getting a Finance degree.

In a lot of cases, companies want to employ people with some level of experience and, this is what an internship can give you.

An internship serves as a means for you to get further insight into how finance jobs work. Through this, you can basically ask questions and develop the practical skills that are necessary to do well in the finance sector.

Find A Job

Of course, this is the most practical part. To find a job in the finance sector, you need to look for jobs in Finance and thereafter, apply.

With the finance sector being broad, it makes sense to focus on your abilities/degrees and seek jobs in that particular department, one where you are good at or likely to perform better.

Let’s talk about a few finance job types and their salary ranges.

Finance Jobs And Average Salaries

Below are some of the most common finance jobs in Canada and their salary ranges:

Loan Officer

Loan officers are basically aimed at advising prospective customers on the best loans and best actions required to obtain loans.

The average salary range is about $67,000 per year.

Investment Banker

The basic duty of an investment banker is to guide their clients and the best investments whilst also managing the client’s investment portfolio. Another duty of some investment bankers is to specialize in selling bonds or/and equity investments.

The average Salary range of an investment banker in Canada is $76,000 per year.

Finance Coordinator

The primary role of a finance coordinator is to maintain the financial records of the company. They manage both payable and receivable accounts whilst also monitoring payments to and from their client’s customers.

This job, in most cases, requires both bachelor’s and master’s degree.

The average salary range of a finance coordinator in Canada is $53,000 per year.

Other Finance jobs and salary ranges in Canada include;

Financial planner

Average Salary of $66,000 per year.

Certified Professional accountant

Average Salary of $58,000 per year.

Financial Analyst

An Average salary of $66,000.


Whilst financial jobs in Canada can be pretty good, there are a couple of skills required to get a finance job.

This includes interpersonal and communication skills, a sound knowledge of financial reports, being good with problem-solving, and sound analysis knowledge.

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